No Soup for You

No Soup for You! Oddly enough I wish it was as simple as no soup for me, actually its more about a recent purchase I made from Sweetwater, an acoustic guitar to be exact.

I’ve been wanting an acoustic guitar for quite some time, and the brand that stuck out for me waas Breedlove, a guitar company out of Bend Oregan. Sure, I have looked at other makers, Guild, Martin and Taylor guitars to be exact. Breedlove just checked all the boxes for me in playability and affordability for me.

So, at the time this model was on backorder, what model caught my eye? The ECO Pursuit Exotic S Concert CE-Tiger's Eye Myrtlewood, priced at $649 (regular $749) but within a few days my que in line came up and one was quickly shipped to me per my salesperson, the amazing Justin Dunn.

My guitar arrived on a cold and rainy Friday, that didn’t still my excitement. It was here! Soon my giddiness turned into WTF. The out box that contained my new acoustic guitar appeared to show some very bad water damage, along with the damaged to each of the corners, the side that had the most sever water damaged was being held together with tape and still there was moisture underneath the tape. Still, I had to wait till the next afternoon to unbox my guitar, at least to give it time to acclimate to its new environment.

I must add that the water damage to the outer box was by no means a result of Sweetwater getting my purchase to me, but rather FedEx in their handling throughout the shipping process to me.

The guitar was in great shape, surprisingly. there didn’t appear to be any water damage to the 3rd most inner box of my parcel, The guitar was pretty much in tune, so I strummed a few chords and with that I realized this guitar, this model was not for me. It wasn’t at all what I expected, I guess that happens when you buy something like this sight unseen. So, the only thing about the Breedlove I truly loved was the whole bridge design. That in itself was not enough for me to justify keeping it. So back it went, and back to searching for what I really want. There’s a place not far from us that deal in Taylor guitars, I think it would be in my best interest to hear what I am looking for and then (maybe) make a decision, and place my next order with Sweetwater.

Below are the images Sweetwater had sent to me prior to shipping, and a link to this particular model.

Breedlove ECO Pursuit Exotic S Concert CE Acoustic-Electric Guitar - Tiger's Eye Myrtlewood | Sweetwater

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