So, We're Getting Ready to Do a Thing

I can’t remember when I had parked the “Store” page on the website, been so busy lately. In all that time however, my wife Barbara, who is the avid quilter, bought a new sewing/embroidery machine. And like me, she has her go to devices that work for her, Viking by Husqvarna. She owns the model Brillance which is typically for her quilting, and her latest acquired machine is called an Epic 2, which does embroidery.

How does this fit into what I am doing? glad you asked. My logo that appears on the landing page of this website is a cartoon character I created in the late 80s while attending Columbia college. I incorporated this into what is now my featured logo of today.

Sid as he was known at the time of creation, will now appear on selected apparel. And instead of outsourcing all of needs to various places, we decided to do everything in house per my wife Barbara’s suggestion.

So, the next hurdle that needs to be dealt with is a file conversion software that can convert the now JPEG image to a VP3, the file format needed for her machine. Been looking at a couple of software options; Filestar and Wilcom. Hopefully a choice can be made soon so to move to the next step, Wholesale distributors.

If anyone reading this month’s blog entry has any suggestions for file conversion software for embroidery, feel free to contact us by submitting your email per our contact page.

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