Staying Creative and Other Stuff During The COVID-19 Pandemic


As the COVID-19 pandemic takes our world by storm, many of my fellow photographers as well as myself have wiped our calendars clean of all photo shoots until further notice. I’ve been keeping myself busy with some re-edits from past assignments, photographing birds and attending online town hall meet ups and forums with other professionals, using the ZOOM app, The 2 I have attend are Fashion Photographers Connect created by renowned fashion photographer Melissa Rodwell , also owner/creator of The Breed and Alice magazine, and lastly the ASMP., Both have been very mentally therapeutic.

XM Radio has given me another outlet to escape, especially with the Marky Ramone: Punk Rock Blitzkrieg channel and the Howard Stern Show, it tears me away from the TV, listening and watching the number of infected and dead grow larger each day, here and around the world.

Even my wife, the avid quilter has been keeping busy with making masks for those that need/want them, in fact the cover image for this blog I am wearing one of her creations. She makes sure I have a mask with me at all times, since I am considered “high risk” because of a respiratory disease that I was diagnosed with in 2012..

Below are the self assignments I had given myself, the next assignment is to get some decent images of our furbabies, some where along the lines of the work by Alexander Khoklov and Veronica Ershova.

Lastly but more importantly, I just wish people would take this pandemic more seriously, social distancing works, staying home works, we need to bend this curve of recklessness and selfishness, NOW!! cause tomorrow may not come for many of us if we don’t. I know this, I want to live.


This image was actually an outtake from the assignment I did last month for this client, I edited it Capture One software

This image of local musician Bo Mcmillion was an assignment I shot in 2011, I reedited the image in Capture One software, converting it to black and white.

We have a few bird feeders in our yard, sometimes I put some out on a table on the back porch, I decided to take advantage of a good situation.


From all the birds that stop by to feed, this one stood out .

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Copyright © 1988-2024 Brian Cade Photography Collective Works, All rights reserved