A New Year; No Excuses.


Hard to believe how I allowed time to slip away (again) from me, I had not blogged in about 3 months. A lot has happened since then, mostly with the new house; Acquiring some needed essentials for both my office and Barbara'a quilting room, bookshelves, desk, picture frames etc.

I have a few edits on the table from personal favors I had photographed for friends and family, still, I plan for a few self-assignments of my own that need to be more on the forefront than I have allowed.

lastly, my year ended with the passing of a friend from back home, celebrity and portrait photographer, the legendary Marc Hauser. I am thankful that he and I were able to reconnect through social media over the past 8 years. Marc had been and still is a huge influence on what I had done and plan to do in photography.

Hopefully, January will be the springboard I so desperately need to launch my medium format portrait sessions on film, luckily I still have people still wanting to participate in these projects.



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